Thursday, June 11, 2015

When even rape is legalBrahminism's violence towards women is no less than towards the 'low-born' (identical to 'untermenchen'), and Babasaheb Ambedkar, author of the Constitution and the Hindu Code bill (which guarantees equal rights to women) is the Agent of Modernity in India.

When even rape is legal

Shiva Shankar

Brahminism's violence towards women is no less than towards the 'low-born' (identical to 'untermenchen'), and Babasaheb Ambedkar, author of the Constitution and the Hindu Code bill (which guarantees equal rights to women) is the Agent of Modernity in India.

'... Reflecting on this debate, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar said in 1943 ( "It is impossible to read the writing of those who supported orthodoxy in their opposition to the Age of Consent Bill, without realising the depth of the degradation to which the so-called leaders of the peoples had fallen… Could any sane man, could any man with a sense of shame, oppose so simple a measure? But it was opposed…." Dr. Ambedkar would have been as appalled by today's arguments against the criminalisation of marital rape. ...'

When even rape is legal - KANIKA SHARMA, AASHISH GUPTA

... In 1943, Ambedkar regretted that "political reform" had taken precedence over "social reform". Despite this, he continued to seek both legal and social changes to improve the lot of India's Dalits and women. Today, what is getting priority is economic reform, but we would do well to remember Ambedkar's words from the same address: "Rights are protected not by law but by the social and moral conscience of society… if fundamental rights are opposed by the community, no Law, no Parliament, no judiciary, can guarantee them in the real sense of the word". ...

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