Saturday, January 10, 2015

PUCL meeting surat invitation 17jan2015 2 to 6 PM,shramjivi sevalaya,nr surat railway station

PUCL meeting in surat-you are invited to be join and be member.
date-17/1/2015,saturaday,at- shramjivi sevalaya,nr central bus
station,surat at 2 to 4 pm.know pucl by following matters and links.,natubhai lageraho,surat,7802050596.…/People's_Union_for_Civil_Liberties
The People's Union of Civil Liberties will try to bring together all those
who are committed to the defence and promotion of civil liberties in
India, irrespective of any differences which they may have in regard to
political and economic institutions suitable for the country.
The aim and the objects of the organisation will be:
(a) To uphold and promote by peaceful means civil liberties and the
democratic way of life throughout India;
(b)To secure recognition to the principle of dignity of the
(c) To undertake a constant review of penal laws and the criminal
procedure; with a view to bringing them in harmony with human
and liberal principles;
(d)To work for the withdrawal and repeal of the repressive laws
including preventive detention;
(e) To encourage freedom of thought and defend the right of public
(f) To ensure the freedom of the press and independence of mass
(g)To secure the rule of law and independence of the judiciary;
(h)To make legal aid available to the poor;
(i) To make legal assistance available for the defence of civil
(j) To work for the reform of the judicial system to so as to remove
inordinate delays, reduce heavy expenses, and eliminate
(k)To bring about prison reform
(l) To oppose polices excesses and use of third degree methods
(m) To oppose police discrimination on the ground of religion,
race, caste, sex or place of birth;
(n)To combat social evils which encroach on civil liberties such as
untouchability, casteism and communalism;
(o)To defend in particular the civil liberties of the weaker section of
society and of women and children;
(p)To do all acts and things that may be necessary, helpful, or
incidental to the above aims and objects
Criteria of membership
(a) Every adult person shall be eligible to be a member of the
organisation if he/she believes that civil liberties must be
maintained in India, now and in the future, irrespective of any
economic and political changes that may take place in the
(b)Members of the political parties will be entitled to be members
of the organisation in their individual capacity if they subscribe
to it's aims and objects. They will have all the rights of
membership except that:
(i.) The President, Vice Presidents, General Secretaries, other
Secretaries, and the treasurers of the organisation or any
of it's branches shall not be a member of any political
(ii.) At least one half of the members of the National Council
and the National Executive committee and of
corresponding bodies at the State and local levels shall be
person who are not be members of any political party.
(iii.) Not more than 10% of the members of National Council
and the National Executive Committee, and of
corresponding bodies at the State and local levels shall be
member of one political party.
(c) The membership fee will be Rupees 50 per year, to be collected
once a year. Student members and non-earning members who
are below the age of 25 may pay Rupees 10 per year as
members fee. The Executive Committees at every level will be
entitled to admit persons from economically weaker sections of
society like workers and peasants, at a membership fee Rupee
10 per year
(d)Those who pay Rupees 1000 in a lump sum will be Life
members. Those who pay Rs. 2000 will be Patron members of
the organisation.
(e) The National Council will have the right, by a two-thrid majority,
to refuse membership to any person or to remove any person
from membership. The council of State branch will have a
similar right in the respective State.
3. (A) Institutional Members
In addition to individual members there may be institutional members
also. All voluntary groups and institutions (but not political parties or
groups affiliated to them) which agree with the objectives of the PUCL
and the desire to join it will be entitled to become institutional
Member in accordance with the Supplementary Rules laid down by the
National Executive Committee (see at the end).People's Union for Civil
Liberties (PUCL)…/…/06/Constitution-of-the-PUCL.pdf…/conway/…/PUCL/PUCL%20Report.pdf…/wp(c)No.161of2004.p……/16f59d0b-15fc-…/asa200072008eng.pdf…/tool_for_action.pdf…/PUCL%20memo%20to%20NCM%20on%20Attk…
On 27/12/2014, natubhailageraho <> wrote:
> dear friends,you all invited in gujarat CAG report disclosure event at
> navsarjan hall,ring road,surat today at 4pm.CAG report is mirror of
> governance,you can see reality of gujarat government and usage of
> public money,corruption.please share this news maximum to get more and
> more friend may present to know about gujarat government.,PUCL,surat,m-7802050596.
> દર્પણ ઝુઠ ના બોલે' – ગુજરાત કેગ (CAG) રીપોર્ટ – ૨૦૧૪
> PUCL(સુરત) દ્વારા આયોજિત આ કાર્યક્રમમાં આપને અને રસ ધરાવતા સહુ
> મિત્રોને નિમંત્રણ છે.
> PUCLએ દેશમાં લોકતાંત્રિક મૂલ્યો અને નાગરિક અધિકારો જાળવવા મથતું
> બિન-રાજકીય, બિન-સાંપ્રદાયિક સંગઠન છે. જે નવેમ્બર 1980 થી કાર્યરત છે.
> PUCLના પ્રયાસોને કારણે લોકતરફી અનેક નીતિઓ અને કાયદાઓ બન્યા છે.
> ભારતના લોકતાંત્રિક ચરિત્રને મજબુત બનાવી રાખવા આપણાં બંધારણ ઘડવૈયાઓએ
> અનેક એવી સંસ્થાઓ બનાવી જે રાજકારણ પ્રેરિત સરકારોના કામકાજના લેખાં
> જોખાં પ્રજા સામે મૂકે છે.
> ચુંટણી પંચ, કેગ, જેવી સંસ્થાઓ આપણાં દેશની પ્રજા સામે સત્ય હકીકતો
> લાવવાની અગત્યની ભૂમિકા ભજવે છે.લોક-કલ્યાણ અને વિકાસના નામે થતું આયોજન
> અને તેના પરિણામો હકીકતોના આધારે મૂલવવાનું ભગીરથ કાર્ય કેગ કરે છે જેનો
> આધાર કેન્દ્ર અને રાજ્યોના સરકારી વિભાગોમાંથી મળતી માહિતી હોય છે.વિષય :
> 'દર્પણ ઝુઠ ના બોલે' – ગુજરાત કેગ (CAG) રીપોર્ટ – ૨૦૧૪,તારીખ / સમય :
> ૨૭-૧૨-૨૦૧૪ સાંજે ૪-૦૦ વાગ્યાથી ૬-૩૦ સુધી,સ્થળ : "નવસર્જન" હોલ, RTO
> પાસે, રીંગ રોડ, સુરત,વક્તા : શ્રી. મહેશભાઈ પંડ્યા, પર્યાવરણ મિત્ર,
> અમદાવાદ,PUCL(સુરત) દ્વારા આયોજિત આ કાર્યક્રમમાં આપને અને રસ ધરાવતા સહુ
> મિત્રોને નિમંત્રણ છે.,સાભાર,બાબુભાઈ દેસાઈ ઉત્તમભાઈ ,પરમાર,(સભ્ય, PUCL)
> (સભ્ય, PUCL),વધુ વિગતો માટે:- કૃષ્ણકાંત – ૦૯૪૨૭૮૪૯૩૧૦, MSH શેખ –
> ૦૯૮૨૫૫૪૬૦૧૭

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